Well, here it goes.  Time to let everyone know about the things that 'they' dont want you to know about.  Such as: Disney is actually using Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers to produce the hugest sex tape in sex tape history.  Do you really think that they believe they have talent??  Like seriously, the Jonas Brothers got confused about why Stevie Wonder wasn't noticing their 'purity' pelvic thrusts.  Seriously.

So also, why would you name your "please visit these websites": "Internet Websites"?????  Umm, I am unaware that there are non-Internet Websites.  Perhaps people were getting confused with literal sites where actual spiders make some webs...da #$@&?

5/4/2009 08:47:03 am

I saw you on the friends and other boards. I think Jcsupertaps stuff is cool. I dont like King of The Hill either.

Find me on that board, i am RockyMiaviaToast


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